Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a bird nerd's salute to her grandpa and Señor V

I never thought I would become one... a bird watcher. Yep, that's right, I admitted it, I really have been enjoying the sport of bird watching lately. The only other people I know that are self-proclaimed bird watchers are my grandpa and my friend Adam (or Señor V, as I like to call him now.) I must officially apologize to Adam for making fun of him previously for enjoying gazing at birds. Now, I've crossed over. I am officially one of those nerds that actually goes hiking and then wants to sit and wait for the birds to appear. Even as I type this I am distracted by the beautiful hummingbird outside my window.

Guatemala is a great place to bird watch. I have seen so many different birds of all colors, shapes, and sizes. I had a week vacation a few weeks ago. I got a chance to do some exploring and that's when it hit me...I am a bird nerd (this nickname was given to me by a friend here who noticed my new bird nerdiness.) My friends and I spent a day hiking through the Biotopo de Quetzal, looking for the rare and beautiful Quetzal, Guatemala's official bird. We didn't see any.

I also try to take time everyday to chill in my hammock on the roof and watch the birds swoop and soar through the sky. The sun beats down on the cement and the heat grazes my fingertips and toes as I swing my way to bird bliss. I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to just be still and enjoy the nature (and birds) around you. It has an odd calming affect.

So, Señor V, next time we are together we have a date to bird watch and we can revel in the fact that we are bird nerds together!

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings." -Victor Hugo


Gypsy said...

Oh I just read this. so perfect! love love love it. well...wait- I'm not a bird nerd. But the idea- yes!

Anonymous said...

Jasmine, I join you in your self-proclaimed bird nerdiness!! I had a lovely birdy experience the other day in Volcano.... I took a walk through an old-growth forest (not too many around, sadly) and heard all of the beautiful Hawaiian bird calls I never get to hear in Hilo!! To add to the mysterious magic effect, I didn't see a single bird... but it was as if they followed me on my walk the whole time. Ah it was so nice!! And the ferns were HUGE-- waaay over my head! Nature heals :)

Aloha nui, Ellen