Friday, January 26, 2007

the countdown

Finally, after trying to get to Korea for a long, long time, I have it. I have a date! After all the phone calls, emails, and international mailings, Adam and I have an arrival date in South Korea! Who would have thought that a date would cause someone so much frustration, nervousness, and excitement? Frustration for the longest time from so many people asking me when I am leaving and me not knowing a date to tell them. Nervousness about this whole moving out of the country thing to start my very first teaching job and also not knowing the language! Excitement for a change in life; a chance to travel, learn, and explore.

Exactly one month from today Adam and I are expected to arrive in Seoul! This means we will probably be leaving Friday, Feb 23. In traveling over the dateline will actually skip Saturday and arrive on Sunday, Feb 25! All we have left to do is actually receive our visas, which is supposedly only supposed to take about a week, and buy our plane tickets. I am hoping that we will not incur any more delays in our preparations to leave.

After waiting for so long for all of this to happen I am ecstatic to finally have a departure date! It makes things seem a little more concrete, whereas before I always had said I was going but had never had a departure date. I am also feeling a little nervous and a little sad... but I think that is normal. I am going to be away from my friends, family, and people I love for a year! I have exactly a month left to spend time with my friends and family, so I am expecting to be quite busy before I go! Keep Feb 17 open for Adam and Jasmine's going away party! Good times!